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发布人:管理员   发布时间:2017-01-10
Unit 4 She said helping others changed her life.(窦丽娜)

Unit 4 She said helping others changed her life.

情感目标:树立服务于社会的观念, 培养学生乐于助人的品质。


一、    预习感知
Step 1 Lead in
1.  Show them the pictures of the western part of china and ask: “How do you think of their lives? Would you like to go there and help them?”lead in the topic of this class.
2.  Group show. “I know you have collelcted some phrases about the passage, I’d like you to write them on the blackboard in groups.”
二、    合作探究
Step 2 Task reading (group work)
Task 1: Fast reading:  Ask the students to match the main idea with each paragraph by skimming the whole passage. Ask some of them to read their answers and others can point out any different ideas.Then sum up the reading strategy for this kind of passage. (注:快速阅读能培养学生在短时间内获取有用信息的能力,同时让学生初步了解课文内容。同学之间互相补充,调动所有学生参与课堂)
Task2: Careful reading: Read the passage carefully and grasp the important details. First, fill in the blanks of the passage: changed, mountains, agreed, different, brothers, world.. Second, complete the chart of 3a: (work in groups). Show them the answers on PPT.
    Yang Lei’s students You
hometown    A mountain village in gansu province   
food    porridge   
teachers    volunteers 
Time to get up  5 am   
Time to finish studying 11pm   

Task 3: Read the passage again, Ask and anwer questions of 3b.they can discuss in groups. Write the answer on their notebooks.
1.  What did Yang Lei’s mother say about her daughter’s volunteer work?
2.  What did the children say about their volunteer teachers?
3.  How did Yang Lei say she could help?
4.  What did Yang Lei say about her time as a volunteer?
三、    课堂反馈训练
Step 3 Writing
   According to what you have learned in this class, Write a summary of the reading. Use no more than 100 words. Show them some key points to help on PPT: the name of the volunteer… where to go… the food, life, children there…. what would you like to do….
四、    课堂效果展示
Step 4 Check and correct
  Ask some of students to read their passages in the class, all the other students could point out his or her mistakes to help them correct.
五、    自我评测和作业
Step 5 Conclusion
Make a main conclusion of this class by themselves and discuss in groups.Everyone in the group needs to say one point they learned in this class.
Step 6 Homework
1.  The leaders of each group need to check the compositions in his or her group, then hand in all.
2.  Discussion: As a student, what kind of volunteer job you can do for others? Work in groups and share with others next time.